I am quite aware that I am very privileged to live in this country, and to be one of those fortunate people who are not terribly poor and living on the streets. Indeed, I have an apartment, a relatively nice if boring car, and just today I purchased a double scoop of peanut butter cup ice cream in a waffle cone just for the sheer enjoyment of it. I am aware that I am lucky, I have my health and I have a place to live and possibly in a few weeks I will own a place to live - quite a bit larger ...
Today is June 7th, and I have lived in Michigan now for just over a week. Why haven't I found a job yet?? Ok, get a grip...I have applied for all of two jobs. At least one is probably out of my range of experience. Sometimes I wonder about that silly MFA I have. I think it has made me overqualified for some jobs, underqualified for others (I lack experience) and just plain not qualified for plenty of jobs. The problem with specialization in a field, especially one as volatile as Cinema and Te...
Today our house was supposed to close Escrow (the one we are selling), but last night I got a call from our real estate agent. It seems they forgot to get an appraisal. How does one forget such a thing? Isn't that an integral part of buying or selling a home? At first it didn't bother me, but now it does. It may take up to two weeks longer. AND we have to pay this months house payment, which we were not counting on. AND I now have no one to take care of the lawn. I'd do it myself, but it's ...
Last night I dreamed that I was a robot. I had been purchased as a nanny for a family with 6 children: 1 boy and 5 girls, can you imagine? It was very detailed and went through my whole life with them until the kids grew up and my model was obsolete and I was put out on the streets and spent some time being very lonely until I met up with some other robots and we all became friends. And I haven't even seen "I Robot", nor watched "The Bicentennial Man" recently. So the only logical conc...
Well, I am feeling better. I have a job now, and in spite of the initial trauma this caused (because I am neurotic) I think it will be a good thing. And it gets me out of the house, which I really needed to do. I plan to join a gym soon, and buy some sessions with a personal trainer. We'll see how this works out. The bigger, better news is that I have decided to make a movie. In my basement. With no budget. Over the course of the next 2 or 3 years. This may not, perhaps, sound exciting...
I have a job interview tomorrow. For some reason when the phone rang I felt a terrible sense of dread: I knew it was someone calling to set up an interview. What's wrong with me? I need a job. Naturally, it was a job I had applied for that listed "Video editor" as the entire description. No company name, no information at all. When they called today I got a company name - thank goodness. Their website is down. Either they are terribly unprofessional or this is just a little more ba...
At the moment I make my living by editing wedding videos. The weddings are usually of the 50 - 100 K varieties. Yes, that is exactly what I mean, someone - many someones - are spending $50 to $100 thousand on their weddings. In any event, I am working on a wedding this week and the bride - fresh from her honeymoon in Tahiti, or Rome, or the Moon for all I know calls up and talks to my boss. She asked if he got a particular shot, and he didn't, so now she's all mad. What was the shot, y...
Just found out from the Mormegil that the appraisal on our house still has not been turned in. And our agent went on vacation without even calling us. I have never been so mad and had so little recourse before. Can't even yell at our agent. Mormegil did call and yell at his boss, though. Now the boss is involved - although I'm sure he knew all about it. Oh man.
In the last episode of "Trying To Sell Our Home", the appraisal had been done and we were merely waiting for the paperwork to go through. Our Real Estate agent told us that we would close today at the earliest, next Wednesday at the latest. Paul called two days ago for an update (as I mentioned, we have to call him. He rarely calls us.). Upon calling him Paul learned that he has gone on vacation. Vacation. No doubt, tired out from not calling us to give us updates he had to go on va...
I feel like Georgia 12 point today, so there. I have been neglecting my blog, so I thought I'd sum up my week for you. Totally stressed about the house. Managed to convince myself that the deal was going to fall through, so close to completion. We did hear back from our agent yesterday, finally, who told us that the appraiser was physically at our house yesterday and hopefully in a week to 10 days this hellish nightmare will all be over. Unless he's lying. I must say, very unhappy with thi...
Dear Daddy, Mommy ate all of your candy and left the half-chewed pieces ground into the carpet, all sticky and gross. Apparently she didn't know they were super sour candies and didn't like them. Now we feel sick - I mean, uh, MOMMY feels sick. Yeah, that's it. Anyway, we'll work off the $5 we - Mommy! - owes you by being cute. Love, The Dogs.
I told my friend I'd write a new blog when I have something new to say, and lo and behold I have something new to say. Or rather, I'm going to say something I've said before, just with new dates. Still on hold with the house. I was under the impression that we had already gotten the appraisal but we haven't. Why haven't we, an astute reader might ask? Because it's "hard". Apparently appraisers don't like to do hard jobs. From this statement, (made to me by my real estate agent) I dedu...
Today we got yet another call informing us of still more delays in the closing of our house. This house has caused us so much heartache; I really begin to wish I had burned it down when the notion first occurred to me. The closing was delayed last time because the buyer "forgot" to get an appraisal. Ok. This time it has been delayed because the appraiser went to the house, found out that he couldn’t appraise it properly because of some technicality, and so he simply went back to his offic...
Today is the 4th of July and it is raining like mad. Or at least it seems like mad to me, a person from California where it rains only once every three months until monsoon season and then it floods. Paul and I finally found the perfect house for us. It is a development on a lake where the homes are very unusual. They aren’t really THAT unusual I suppose, but there is an attention to detail that I have not seen in ANY other development. Ah, if only we had a million dollars. Or…two million....
It's been over 30 days since my mother had her brain aneurysm. Apparently if one can survive 30 days, then they are no longer in danger. Of course we all know that's a bit of a fallacy - we're all in danger all the time, but it would seem that if you can go 30 days without having the aneurysm...re-...what? Reburst? (Sorry if that's graphic) then you simply won't have another one. So she's had all of the various tubes and drains and shunts and needles removed, and even the tracheotomy is gone ...