My home is not a place, it is people.
Published on June 17, 2004 By Cordelia In Home & Family
I have a job interview tomorrow. For some reason when the phone rang I felt a terrible sense of dread: I knew it was someone calling to set up an interview. What's wrong with me? I need a job.

Naturally, it was a job I had applied for that listed "Video editor" as the entire description. No company name, no information at all. When they called today I got a company name - thank goodness.

Their website is down.

Either they are terribly unprofessional or this is just a little more bad luck for me.

Bu I k now I need to get out of the house more. The minute I begin to dread going out, I know it's time to get out there and start learning where everything is.

Ah well. More on this tomorrow.

on Jun 17, 2004
I hate that feeling - I'm waiting for a Phone Call too... each time the phone rings (and this has been going on two weeks now) I feel my heart leap up into my throat and I run to check caller ID or - if he's home - run to find JB and tell him not to pick it up until I see who it is on caller ID. Not that that would do anything but tell me who was calling... which I would discover as soon as answering the phone...

Good luck at your interview! I will bombard you with good thoughts tomorrow at - well, would that be 9 AM LA time? 8 AM LA time? Hm. I'll start early and keep it going.