My home is not a place, it is people.
Cordelia's Articles In Movie Reviews
May 23, 2005 by Cordelia
I saw it over the weekend. Frankly I think the popcorn at my local theater is getting better. Usually it has the same taste and consistency as salty cardboard but this time there was a little bit of butter flavoring to it that really brought out the subtlety of the cardboard. Not too salty either. I don't like it when you pop a piece in your mouth and the texture is gritty from salt. Sometimes when popcorn gets old and you crunch a piece just right it sounds like fingernails on a chalkboard and...
October 24, 2004 by Cordelia
I'll grant you, I knew "Dr. Seuss' the Cat in the Hat" was going to be bad going in. However, it was free on HBO and we had nothing else to do so we watched it. Why we watched the whole thing I'll never know, but I think I can now officially classify it as the Worst Movie Ever. Previously, "Battlefield Earth" held that title. The main problems were that the movie wasn't funny, and that you didn't care about the characters. Fairly difficult problems to overcome, I'd say. Directed by Bo W...