My home is not a place, it is people.
Published on August 3, 2004 By Cordelia In Personal Relationships
I wonder how much society is retarded by the laughing jackasses, and the empty-minded belittlers?

-Robert A. Heinlein
“Have Space Suit Will Travel”

I have worked with, and work with now, people who could be described as empty-minded belittlers. I can tell you that these people do retard society, as suggested by Heinlein. This type of person is the kind who never has anything positive to say about anyone or anything, including themselves. They have no respect, they earn no respect, they are worthy of no respect.

I realize that in many cases, these people have a self-esteem that is so low they can barely function in a rational society. I understand low self-esteem – believe me, I do. I am, after all, a woman. That does not excuse them from their attitude. That does not mean they should be given any special treatment in the workplace or anywhere else for that matter. I am sorry and can sympathize with the troubles that may have led them to the state they are in.

It is, however, inexcusable to make a jackass of yourself at every turn. We are not as a society required to put up with the bullshit leveled at us every day by these blind buffoons. You are not obligated to respect or like the person you work for, but at the very least have enough respect for yourself to treat them as you would want to be treated. When every word that comes out of your mouth is a negative, abusive attack on your fellow man, you are also attacking yourself.

As you can imagine, I work with one of these “empty-minded belittlers”. In general, I pity him. The rest of the time I’d like to do him physical harm.

Folks, let’s try and understand that while you may believe the world SHOULD work one way, it often doesn’t. When you assume that it does, you are merely setting yourself up for failure.

If you do not know how to work a computer, it is up to you to learn how to operate one, and not rail against the fact that no one will show you how to use one.

Saying that you are in a job so you can gain experience is worthless if you do not actually try to learn anything new.

I hope this was very ambiguous.

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