I've always known that JoeUser is a blogging community, and when I hear about things happening in other bloggers lives I'm often interested. A baby is born and I'm thrilled for those parents I've never met in the flesh. When someone looses a pet or a loved one I mourn for them. When someone has a good or bad day I genuinely like hearing about it, and I'll leave a comment if I think I can be of any use at all.
My mother has been ill. Your comments and good thoughts have helped me through the rough times. Today the nicest thing happened and it quite literally made me burst into tears (good tears). ForeverSerenity sent me a card for my mother. It's this kind of thoughtfulness that really brings home what a community is, and how helpful and wonderful it can be to be a part of one.
So forgive the sappiness of this post, but I just have to thank you JoeUser, and thank you in particular to ForeverSerenity. You have made my day and my mother and father will be deeply touched when they get your card. Your outstanding kindness moved me to tears and "thank you" hardly covers it.
Best Wishes to all JoeUsers this holiday season.