Today has been a day of extreme emotional highs and lows. I have had moments of pure rage and moments of total despair. And I have had one shining moment.
We went to visit my Mom in the hospital and after a while the nursing staff began to prepare to move her for another angiogram. When they do this they must unplug all of the various machines and medications for the brief move. This meant that she began to wake up just a little.
I was telling her (as I do) that all this laying around and being lazy is unacceptable and that she was going to have to knock it off. She was moving around quite a bit and I took her hand and said, “We’ll see you when you get back. We love you.”
She opened her left eye (she can’t seem to move much on her right side), looked AT me, and nodded her head twice. She looked at me and nodded.
Amazing. She’s in there.
What a day.